Letter to the Editor

Grandview Center needs public support

Friday, December 20, 2013

Dear Editor,

It is difficult for a small community to own and maintain a facility where citizens can get together. Stratton has such a facility named the Grandview Senior Center and the activities listed below are ongoing.

Coffee is served six mornings a week. Meals are served at noon five days a week. Last year, 6,800 meals were served. Meals are delivered to Culbertson, Palisade and Trenton once a month. Carry-out meals are available.

Stratton Medical Clinic is staffed by doctors and PAs from Dundy County Hospital. Hitch and Hay transit system has three vans -- one handicapped accessible -- available to anyone.

Last year, 1,831 riders rode Hitch and Hay for a total of 67,000 miles.

Four rental units are available in duplexes. Seven rental units are available in Grandview. Bingo twice a month. FROGS (Fitness Reaching Older Generations) an exercise program, twice a week. Foot clinic once a month. Free blood tests once a month.

WiFi, exercise equipment and computer available.

Available for family gatherings and class reunions.

Last year, volunteers donated over $30,000 of free labor.

Low occupancy of rental units over time has caused a cashflow shortfall of $83,000. So far, about half of the needed funds have been donated. The governing board is making changes to attract more rental income.

Your financial help is also needed. Send your donations to Stratton Industrial Commission Inc., P.O. Box 81, Stratton, NE 69043. Stratton Industrial Commission is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible.

Grandview is the social hub of Stratton. Stratton has an aging population and Grandview will be utilized more in the future. If Grandview is closed, all of the above will be lost forever. Public support is needed now.

Ray Stehno,

a concerned senior citizen

Stratton, Nebraska

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