Letter to the Editor

Affordable fuel important to college students

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Dear Editor,

College students have to prioritize our spending like most Nebraskans. The daily and yearly costs to us and our parents, like tuition, housing, food and entertainment, weigh on us all. Of course, when mentioning budgets, I cannot forget the price it takes to fill up the tank. It is through careful examination and budgeting of these costs that enable students like me to attend college.

As someone who grew up on the eastern side of the state but who chose to start college in McCook, I've noticed the drop in gas prices. They are more likely to remain low if government doesn't interfere with the oil and gas market by imposing new taxes or regulation. When taxes go up on the energy industry, we all pay. If a college freshman like me understands that simple fact so too should the politicians in Washington, D.C. I hope our representatives will recognize the importance of affordable fuel for college students and Nebraskans alike and not raise taxes on energy companies.


Trevor Peterson

McCook, Nebraska

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