Letter to the Editor

A fun puzzle

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dear Editor,

Do you like to fool around with math puzzles? If so, fill in the blanks and solve this puzzle!

The "Archway" cost in year 2000, was said to be 60 million dollars. (McCook Daily Gazette, 5-30-13, page 2)

In year 2000 gold was worth $ per ounce. 60 million dollars would have purchased ounces of gold in year 2000.

So take those same ounces of gold at the current price, $ per ounce, would be valued at $ million dollars today.

How many new city office-fire house complexes could be purchased now at their published cost of 4.6 million dollars? The answer is ___ complexes. Want to share your answer to this puzzle?

John Gale, Nebraska Secretary of State, says the " Archway" is a gem! (McCook Daily Gazette, 5-28-13, page 4) . It must be! A gold plated gem!

Aren't you glad you live in McCook, Red Willow County, Nebraska, where we get value for our dollars?

Have fun!

Lyle Wilcox

McCook, Nebraska

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