Letter to the Editor

Senator's stance

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dear Editor,

A recent article, "Prisoner Labor Bill Withdrawn ..." (3/7/13), quoted Sen. Mark Christensen making several points which I agree with and admire him for stating so clearly. The first was his statement that a person's work ethic is most important as a consideration in hiring and firing. When people are classified as "protected" in employment, that "protection" tends to negate the employer's ability to hire and fire on the basis of job performance.

The employee can claim it is "discrimination" and file a lawsuit against the employer, "Where are the merits of being hired or fired by the job performance that you do?" Christensen also made the very sensible point that "everyone has the same rights regardless of their sexual orientation." A person's work ethic can easily be observed and documented, but a charge of "discrimination" is highly subjective and very difficult to defend against or prove, either one.

I also congratulate Sen. Christensen on his strong Christian stand in opposition to homosexuality: "You can't have a relationship with Jesus Christ, call yourself a Christian, and not obey what the Bible says. And the Bible says homosexuality is a sin and an abomination to the Lord." I think the majority of employers in Nebraska probably find themselves in exactly that position, and this becomes a freedom of religion and freedom of speech issue.

I was also very impressed with Sen. Christensen's determination to remain open and responsive to his constituents, in contrast to Senator Chambers' assertion that he doesn't change his mind based on the number of phone calls he gets. However, Senator Christensen is exactly right in seeing himself as his constituents' representative, and I congratulate him on his willingness to be a representative for his district, and not a private citizen acting independently of his people in his elected office. I am quite sure this is in harmony with Sen. Christensen's principles and I am in agreement with him on that point, as well. It is very refreshing to see an elected representative showing diligent concern for his constituents and their opinions -- after all, that is what we elect them to do: to represent us.

In politics today, I am frequently reminded of the story of the Emperor's New Clothes -- it takes a little boy to challenge the assumptions and declare plainly that the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes! Sen. Christensen is able to discern the true issues and his comments give proof of that, so thank you, Senator Christensen, for pointing out the obvious in this world of befogging of the true issues.


Nancy Carr

Lincoln, Nebraska

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