
Mother Nature brings reminder it's still winter

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

If you've had a bad case of spring fever over the past few days, Mother Nature has a reminder on the way: It's still winter.

The National Weather Service office in Goodland, Kansas, is calling for 100 percent chance of precipitation today and Thursday, with as much as 17 inches of snow possible by Thursday night.

Coupled with gusts of wind up to 35 mph, we have a real reminder that it's February and February is the time for blizzards.

It goes without saying that the next few days will be good days to stay off the road -- and preferably at home.

Checking around the office, we got a few ideas that seemed like fun, others that were probably more responsible, but also more of a chore:

Among the chores:

Do taxes if they're not done yet, and are you working on a budget for the year? Now's a good time; it's also a good time to set goals for the year.

Clean out the basement.

Clean out the closet.


But what are we more likely to do?

Read a book.

Drink hot cocoa.

Take a nap.

Play a board game.

Play cards.

Play a video games.

Peruse seed catalogs and plan your garden.

Read this week's Progress Editions.

Catch up on that movie you've been wanting to watch.

Update your Facebook profile.



Work on learning a language.

Work on learning to play an instrument.

And we're sure you have plenty of activities to occupy your time if and when you're stranded at home.

Regardless of your preference, we hope our readers will do their best to stay safe and warm in the coming storm.

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