Letter to the Editor

Vote 'No' on bond

Monday, May 7, 2012

Dear Editor,

It was with great interest that I read Eldon Moore's letter in the Open Forum on Friday.

It certainly is good to have someone with his many years of experience as a county commissioner weigh in on the jail issue. He has properly evaluated the situation and given us a "thumbs up" to proceed with the present commissioners plan to build it on the north side of the court house.

I also appreciate his recommendation to vote for building the jail but not for the additional tax levy to pay for it.

It can and should be financed out of current tax revenues. With the increase in land values and Valmont coming on the tax rolls in a year and a half, paying for it out of current revenues, should be no problem. Thanks Eldon for your timely input on this matter. I intend to follow your advice.


Paul Schneider,

McCook, Nebraska

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