Thank you

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tri Valley Health System, along with Tri Valley Medical Foundation hosted a Volunteer Brunch at the Cambridge Congregational Church on Saturday April 21st. The brunch was catered by Shirley K's Coffee Shop, and the featured entertainment was Hannah Robbins and her accordion, entertaining with polkas, waltzes, gospel music and more. Tri Valley CEO Roger Steinkruger thanked the more than 300 volunteers that give of their time and talent to TVHS. Steinkruger noted that the volunteers range in age from 9 to more than 90 years old. Also recognized was Volunteer Services Director Barb Langley who announced the hours given in service to Tri Valley, with special thanks given to many volunteers with more than 400 hours of service and one with more than 850 hours donated in the past year

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