Letter to the Editor

Total agreement

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dear Editor,

I want to commend the Red Willow County Commissioners for their steadfastness of purpose, as well as their diligence in researching the jail issue in every facet. They have spent countless hours in doing this and I commend them for their thoroughness.

Instead of detracting from the beauty of the area, it will add a touch of beauty and class to the area.

I am in TOTAL agreement with the utility of having the jail adjacent to the courthouse. It will make it very easy to bring the prisoners to court and return them. Why do we want to make it much more difficult for our sheriff and deputies to do this?

Why burden them with much more work, when this will make it so much easier for them to perform their duties? as well as creating a greater expense for the taxpayers?

I have been chagrined through the years with the cost of transporting prisoners to jails in other towns. If we had built a jail years ago, we could have been channeling over $300,000 a year into paying for it. In just 10 years time, we could have paid off more than $3,000,000 of debt (that's more than three million dollars). So commissioners continue to be steadfast in your resolve.


Paul Schneider


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