Letter to the Editor

Offended by opinions

Monday, January 16, 2012

Dear Editor,

I read the McCook Gazette and am glad that we in Southwest Nebraska have an area newspaper such as yours available. Two recent opinions offended me so much that I decided to tell you how and why.

The first criticized the paper, and especially Dawn Cribbs, as trying to force a false religion.

I feel that most of the Gazette personnel would qualify for a reward and I'm sure the ACLU would applaud the one who criticized the paper.

I would like to commend Mr. Paul Schneider and the many pastors who try to help people to be happy and to live fuller lives. While your paper and employees try to be helpful and to teach others, some, like the writer of the critical letter, are unaware of their ignorance of the subject under discussion.

I hope that the writer of the letter will open a Bible and learn the truth. Otherwise, when it is too late and the opportunity to believe is past, he or she will realize that "It is better to believe and be right than to disbelieve and find out that God is real after all."

The second opinion was in an editorial a few days ago and praised Ben Nelson for his achievements. Apparently written and expressing, it was supposedly done by upright citizens. In my opinion, Ben Nelson undid his good deeds by his betrayal of Nebraska people by the deciding vote on the Cornhusker Deal.

I agree with two McCook women, who, when I exclaimed, "oh, you gals are from Ben Nelson's town!" One replied, "Do you know what we call him in McCook? Benedict Nelson!"

I feel sad when he is compared to the noted legislator, George Norris. The airport should be renamed, as Ben Nelson is not worthy of that honor, nor is he entitled to have a statue of himself even within sight of that of George Norris.

My idea is that .... Ben's statue ... should have a small imp sitting on his shoulder, red with a forked tail.

Lastly, I was not surprised that he is not running for re-election. I was saving some money to oppose him.


I am a 90-year-old retired rancher from west of Imperial, widowed and living on my deceased wife's grandpa's homestead. I knew the old Hereford breeders from Southwest Nebraska and enjoyed selling our Hereford bulls at West Sale Barn when Hary Eiler and Chet Youngs managed it.


Vincent L. Marvin,


P.S. Print this if you like. I just had to write this and I feel better already.

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