
Have a safe, sane shopping experience

Friday, November 25, 2011

We haven't heard any incidents in Southwest Nebraska to match the one in Los Angeles, where a woman described as a "competitive shopper" pepper sprayed her rivals as soon as the wraps were taken off the specials at a Walmart.

The chain's local store parking lot was full for the 10 p.m. specials, literally, with spouses circling to find cars leaving while their partners headed for the crowded aisles inside.

More specials kicked in at midnight and 4 a.m., but we were more likely to take in the 7 and 8 a.m. specials that went into effect around town.

We can't blame retailers for their all-out effort, nor can we fault shoppers for trying to make their holiday shopping dollars stretch as far as possible.

With a slow economy, one theory goes, retailers will need to pull in those dollars as soon as possible, before they are gone.

Whatever your shopping strategy, we do repeat our plea for giving local, independent retailers a chance to meet your Christmas gifting needs. You'll also be able to take comfort in knowing you're helping make Christmas better for your friends and neighbors.

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  • Help our local economy by shopping at home!

    -- Posted by dennis on Mon, Nov 28, 2011, at 11:35 AM
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