
Today's a good day to clear the sidewalks

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

There were the usual complaints as Independence Day revelers took advantage of new, liberalized fireworks rules, bringing Nebraska more in line with adjoining states.

There didn't seem to be an unusual number of emergency fire calls connected with the holiday, which was good, considering that the weekend started with two tragic traffic deaths in the county Friday evening and early Saturday.

But we do hope that those who celebrated the Fourth with fireworks will take a fraction of the time they took setting off those fireworks and use it to clean up the debris from the streets and sidewalks in front of their homes -- and neighbors' home, if that's where it landed.

While we're at it, let's heed word from McCook city officials that residents are required to keep eight feet of space above their sidewalks clear of overhanging branches.

There's nothing like a poke in the eye from a tree branch while on a pre-dawn walk.

The city code also requires 16 feet of space above a street or alley to be cleared.

And let's also be considerate of pedestrians by not blocking the sidewalk with our vehicles. There is usually plenty of room ahead or behind on the driveway to keep the sidewalk section clear.

A little consideration will keep the peace in the neighborhood as well as give law enforcement extra time to deal with more serious matters.

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