Letter to the Editor

Flat tax test drive

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dear Editor,

Are you tired of just complaining about Taxes, our government and no one else is coming up with solutions. Are you able and willing to "Think out of the Box" and even "Outside Party Lines"? Are you tired of hearing the same old rehashed solutions by the same people who have tried them over and over without success?

I have written several plans which include a "Budget Cap and Deficit Reduction Strategy," A Simplified "Variable Flat Tax" plan, a simplified Withholding and exemption plan and even new simplified "Tax" forms.

I am not interested in your numbers and I will respect your privacy, but I want to "Test drive" these plans with real people who live very real lives. I have been told that I need a "think-tank," but I believe we here at the local level know best what we need. I will be free to discuss how or why a particular item is included.

Please e-mail me at RunningBear1959@Hotmail.com please put "Flat Tax" in the subject line.

I am not a nonprofit, a non partisan, political party or any website that will solicit donations or gather e-mail addresses for any other organization. I am an average taxpayer.

Jeffrey Hines,

York, Nebraska

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