Donations warm hearts of Coat Closet volunteers

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
McCook Senior High student Taylor Daniels helps prepare for the 2010 "Coat Closet," at the Nebraska Army National Guard Armory Monday morning. Coordinator Barb Ostrum of McCook emphasized that the program is for anyone with a need, for themselves or for someone else, and is entirely free of charge. (Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Daily Gazette)

McCOOK, Nebraska -- The generosity of residents of the Golden Plains never ceases to warm the hearts of those who volunteer for the "Coat Closet," a program designed to warm the bodies of everyone living through a winter in Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas.

Coat Closet coordinator Barb Ostrum of McCook and her corps of volunteers unloaded four pickup-loads of coats and warm winter clothing and accepted donations throughout the day and evening Monday, preparing for the giveaway Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Barb said an anonymous donor presented her with a check for $200, with the stipulation that it be spent at the Thrift Shop in McCook. His request was granted, and Barb shopped for coats at the Thrift Shop.

Ryan Lukas muscles a box full of denim to the sorting station at the 2010 Coat Closet at the Nebraska Army National Guard armory Monday. (Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Daily Gazette)

A quilting group from Northwest Kansas donated 20 hand-tied quilts, Barb said, and another group donated baby quilts.

"I know its seems like the Coat Closet is early this year," Barb said, "but it is going to get cold." Barb urged everyone to tells friends, family and neighbors about the Coat Closet, as it is available -- absolutely free of charge -- for anyone, everyone, with a need for themselves or for someone else.

While the Nebraska Army National Guard was open Monday and today for donations, Barb said she could still use boys' coats and clothing -- boys are so hard on their clothes, she laughed.

Other areas of need are baby items and plus-size adult coats and clothing.

"And we could always use more caps and gloves," Barb said.

The Coat Closet is open today until 7 p.m., to accept donations.

The giveaway will be Wednesday, from noon until 7 p.m.; Thursday, from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m.; and Friday, from 8 a.m. until noon.

The Coat Closet program, which provides warm coats and clothing free of charge, is provided by volunteers of Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas.

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  • Keep up the great work! I know many people that are very happy to have warm clothes for their children. THIS... is the kind of thing that Southwest Nebraska people do. It's a great thing to know that there is a helping hand when you need one; you never know when tragedy may happen.

    Big Thanks to Barb and her League of Dedicated Workers!

    -- Posted by PensiveObserver on Tue, Oct 26, 2010, at 9:57 PM
  • McCook is a community that cares. Thanks to all who donated and helped.

    -- Posted by dennis on Wed, Oct 27, 2010, at 1:53 PM
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