Letter to the Editor

History lesson

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dear Editor,

Obviously, Haitian history is not Mr. Sehnert's forte. I scarcely don't know where to begin given the entire thing is a veritable mess. Firstly, Aristide's name is not Francois it is Jean-Bertrand (he mistakenly took him for Francois Duvalier who ruled Haiti from 1957 to 1971). Secondly, Aristide was not the first elected president. As far as the review of Haitian history let us just say that if I were a history professor grading the work it would be awash in red ink.

Cretin, Henri Christophe was indeed a general of the Haitian Army and did become Henry the First. However, the general "en chef" who led the country to freedom was Toussaint L'ouverture's successor, "Le fondateur the la patrie," Gen. Jean-Jacques Dessaline, who took the name of Jean-Jacques the 1st.

Before Christophe came to the scene you have to by-pass Dessaline, Petion then you reach Christopher. It is akin to naming the U.S. Presidents by starting with Jefferson, who was the third, president bypassing Washington and Adams.

I shall spare you the awful role that Thomas Jefferson and succeeding U.S. President played in bringing this poor nation to its knees -- suffice to say that the bastion of liberty isolated the island nation for the first 60 years of its history because (you know the reason).

Furthermore, the U.S. either invaded or occupied the island on five occasions (including a 19-year stay).

In closing, a man more brilliant man than I am (I think it was Einstein) once said that a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing -- I would add that Wikipedia is even more dangerous.


Richard Mondesir

via e-mail

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