Letter to the Editor

Fair system needed

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear Editor,

You may not want to publish this letter in your Republican paper in this Republican community.

I am one of those old radicals that have too much idle time to read and watch the news. Our free enterprise system has been so good to most of us in our age group. Democracy is the best. After you read this, you may call me a "socialist."

I feel bad about the remarks I hear about our president and nation. We have been many years getting into the mess we are in. The wealth of the U.S. keeps getting into fewer people's hands every year. This country has been made great because we can keep the "fruits" of our labor. By the same token, it is the freedom to be "greedy." I am no different.

Big farmers, grocery stores, hardwares, lumber companies and all kinds of businesses consolidate or "merge." The little businesses suffer and are being eliminated.

Most of our elected officials are being helped put in office by drug, oil and chemical companies or the "money" people. This is the beginning of the end of our great free enterprise system.

I am one of those old medicare recipients and love every minute of it. Our extended life-span of the average American has broke the auto industry and most guaranteed pension companies plus the federal government.

When it comes to health care, any time you let the people have a choice of what they need or want, most of the same people still won't have the health care they need.

The only system that will ever work is the same system every other industrialized nation has. Some of us may not like it, but it will have to come some day. I don't expect to see it in my time.

I have talked to several people from Canada and they contend, it is not perfect, but is as fair as you can get it.

Yes, I am concerned about the national debt. Look back and see what political party was in power when we accumulated most of the national deficit. China and other countries are getting along pretty well, thanks to the U.S.

My thanks go out to the troops who have been sent to the other countries and prayers for the families that have lost their loved ones.

It is high time the Democrats and Republicans quit worrying about the next election and start trying to take care of the middle class people. I am no different than anybody else in this notion. I am selfish also. I don't want to pay any more taxes or lose any of my health benefits, but somebody is going to have to intervene and control some of the inequities that exist.

I hear people cry "socialism" almost every time I go to a cattle sale, barber shop, restaurant or any other meeting place in the area. You may not like President Obama, but I feel he is as concerned as the rest of us about the state of our nation.

After you read this letter, you will realize, if you didn't already, my IQ is much lower than Mr. Trail's.

Thanks for the space.


Eldon Moore,


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  • Eldon

    I would just like to say that I agree with almost everything that you had to say and that I believe no one could have said it any better. The only part of of your opinion that I didn't agree with was when you said your I Q was lower than Mr. Trails. You said more and said it more eloquently than all of Mr. Trails articles that I have read. I would just like to say thankyou and I hope more people will wake up and and become more concerned about about the health of our country and our friends and family.

    Lynn Ohlson

    -- Posted by Lynn Ohlson on Wed, Feb 3, 2010, at 5:29 PM
  • HA! You're greedy, never would of guessed. It's not that Obama is worried over the debt, it's that he will do what he THINKS is right. The last time I checked the government is "by the people, for the people" so I suppose our leaders should do what THE people want. Just ask Ben Nelson.

    -- Posted by plainsman on Wed, Feb 3, 2010, at 5:48 PM
  • Plainsman could you show me where, other than Lincoln's speech those words appear? Yes the President proposes what he thinks is right for the country after which the legislators we elected to represent us in a representative democratic republic decide whether and in what form those proposals should become law.

    Last time I checked they taught such things in civics classes.

    -- Posted by davis_x_machina on Fri, Feb 5, 2010, at 11:28 AM
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