Letter to the Editor

Kudos to our senator

Friday, January 8, 2010

Dear Editor,

Kudos to Sen. Ben Nelson for the stand he has taken on the healthcare restructuring.

Readers ... please read the article on page 4 of the Gazette issue Jan. 7, 2010. The article explains exactly what Nelson has been trying to get accomplished.

There has been too much misunderstanding and criticism. I think some apologies are due.

We voted Nelson into office, now let an honest man breathe.

Enuf said.

Esther Wissbaum,


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  • *

    Benedict Nelson "honest" & "due an apology"? Wow, now there's a headline for the diehard MSNBC watcher!

    What Nelson has "tried" to do is go against 2/3 of what Nebraskans want. We want REAL healthcare reform, not sleazy backroom bribes that further Nelson's career within his party. Why else would he go against the vast majority of his constituents? He is either the most arrogant man in the Senate looking for a cushy lobbying job come 2012, or a na*ve simpleton who is out of touch with any concept he may have had in regards to morals and principles.

    The more both sides of the issue see this Nelson/Reid bill the more they are disgusted with it. If Nelson was truly trying to compromise and ride the fence then he has found out that the fence of moral relativism is usually made of barbed wire!

    Since Nelson won't resign and 2012 may be too late for our Republic, Nebraskans Need to Recall Benedict Nelson.

    As an Independent voter, I would encourage all conservative Nebraskans to contact their state representatives. I wrote my state senator, Ms. Dubas (D-34), about recall legislation, the following article, and will be anxiously awaiting her reply.

    American Thinker

    January 08, 2010

    Petition to recall LA Senator Mary Landrieu

    Clarice Feldman

    The blog And So It Goes in Shreveport notes that a petition to recall Senator Mary Landrieu has been accepted for filing by the Louisiana Secretary of State. Citizens have 180 days to file enough signatures to get this on a ballot:

    "On Dec. 29, a recall petition was filed by Ruben Leblanc of New Iberia, for the recall of Mary Landrieu. Sec. of State Jay Darden stated that he WILL accept the filing."

    Kinda like chicken fried bacon, this limited time offer won't last. Citizens have 180 days starting Dec. 29 so get with it today if you would like to see Me-ry "Louisiana Purchase" Landrieu hit the bricks before her service is up.

    -- Posted by NebraskaMark on Sat, Jan 9, 2010, at 10:25 AM
  • Ben owes the people who voted him in an apology not the other way round. Shame on all the folks who were fooled by his moderate BS, he towed the party line like they all do. This is why in national elections party trumps person and the agends each party is trying to accomplish is what you need to look at not the individuals lies to get in.

    -- Posted by Chaco1 on Thu, Jan 14, 2010, at 6:42 PM
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