Letter to the Editor

Bad vote

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dear Editor,

As my friends know I've been a staunch Republican all my life, but have always voted for Mr. Nelson. I've always believed that he serve his constituents well and did not sell his vote based on his party affiliation, but instead followed his constituents' wishes.

Unfortunately, with his vote to bring healthcare reform to the Senate floor for debate, I can see now just how wrong I was.

In his opinion piece in Wednesday's McCook Gazette, Mr. Nelson claims he voted "Yes" because he just wanted to follow normal parliamentary procedures. I guess this means that he has never voted NO to bring a bill to the Senate floor? Unfortunately we all know this is far from true.

Only time will tell what type of healthcare reform will eventually be passed through the House and Senate and then signed by the President, but whatever the final outcome is, we can all thank Mr. Nelson because his YES vote moved this legislation one step closer to becoming law.

Be assured, Mr. Nelson even if your final vote on this legislation is No, Nebraskans will not wonder, as your attack dog Mr. Fagin wondered if "Mr. Trail was against pork before he was for pork." I and thousands of Nebraskan's will KNOW that you voted YES on healthcare reform before you voted against it.

Congrats. Mr. Nelson, enjoy your John Kerry moment!

Kirt Matson


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  • I for one do not want the government involved in my health care decisions. And all the polls I've read show Nebraskans significantly oppose any healthcare bill which includes a public option. Ben must have been real careful which 4 people he picked out to get his results.

    And by a 53 to 31 majority, Nebraska voters think that Nelson's judgment was influenced by the $2 million in campaign contributions he received from health care and insurance companies.

    -- Posted by remington81 on Wed, Dec 2, 2009, at 11:42 AM
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