Letter to the Editor

Pumping data may be incorrect

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Third in a series

Pumping data used by the Modelers was three times more than actual pumping. The input data for the Model that determines Nebraska and Colorado compliance with the Republican River Compact is critical. In 2005, WaterClaim requested all Excel worksheets used by the Department of Natural Resources regarding the Republican River Basin. A hard drive was supplied to the DNR, under Roger Patterson. They graciously copied some of the worksheets onto that hard drive, then returned it to WaterClaim. Some of the same information used to be available online. However, much of the data has been removed. What is there now does not include complete well pumping files. The 2005 files include the actual Upper Republican NRD pumping records as well as the power usage records for the Middle and the Lower Republican NRDs. However, the data file used by the simulation is no longer available.

In January of 2006, WaterClaim obtained a file from the DNR called, nrd_impacts81_ongoing_pk.xls. It also has pumping data for Nebraska.

The difference between the two data files is huge. The file used by the Republican River Compact Administration shows pumping to be 3 times greater than what is actual. We do not know which data source is used by the computer simulation; but as of 2005, it appears that it was the inflated version. This potential error would have significant negative repercussions for Nebraska's ability to comply.

All data should be made available for public review, and the NRDs should cause their staff to verify that the data used by the Model is correct, prior to Nebraska certifying the Model results.

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