Letter to the Editor

Tempest in a teapot?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Dear Editor,

I'm not quite sure how the "Tempest in a Teapot" over the location of the electric chair has escalated to a debate over the death penalty (Mike at Night -- The McCook Daily Gazette 3-27-09), but I sure don't want to debate anybody.

In fact, I agree with Mike Hendricks' comments and even appreciate his thump on the head for my lapse of judgment in asking about the chair coming to McCook in the first place.

The direct criticism works better for me than whispering, innuendos and anonymous blogs. That's what friends are for.

Let's hope that we can all get back to thinking about the good attractions that we have in McCook and brainstorm about even more positive ideas to promote tourism in this area. I'll help as soon as I can locate that darn brain gone a.w.o.l.

Duane Tappe,


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