
Don't overlook contributions hospitals already make

Monday, March 16, 2009

One of the biggest forces in Nebraska philanthropy gave away $741 million in the state in 2007, and even went into another $151 million in debt while doing it.

The fact the contributions came in the course of conducting everyday business shouldn't detract from the magnitude of the gifts.

The Nebraska Hospital Association's annual Community Benefits Report indicated that hospitals provided $893 million in free services in 2007, the latest year for which figures are available, and incurred $151 million in debt from patients who couldn't or wouldn't pay their bills and did not apply for charity care.

Hospital contributions included things like research and funding for public programs as well as the free services for patients who couldn't afford to pay.

The report indicated that hospitals gave at least $45 million more in 2007 than in the previous year.

As Nebraska reacts to the national economic slowdown, the demand for charity care from hospitals is bound to increase.

And, as the expected national debate over healthcare reform heats up, the role hospitals already play in providing health care to all should not be overlooked.

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