Letter to the Editor

Voting is the solution

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dear Editor,

It is about time someone came out with a clear explanation of the international financial crisis.

For weeks and weeks, officials have been rushing about holding conferences and councils and having their pictures taken going up and down the steps of government buildings and getting on and off airplanes.

And, none of it has accomplished anything.

When you hear the national debt is over $10 trillion, do you imagine sooner or later a reclusive benefactor (like on the old TV show "The Millionaire") will pull out his checkbook and give the Secretary of the Treasury $10 trillion and everyone in Washington will be happy and start whooping and cheering and swinging in the White House chandeliers like when they captured Saddam Hussein?

Even the security guards would pretend not to notice.

What I suggest is this:

Americans clean out all their desks and collect any loose change found there.

Nickels, pennies, possibly a quarter. No fair using old dried-out peppermints. Then rummage around the house and alley and collect all the aluminum cans. Cash them in. With all this wealth, go out and buy as many 4x8, 1/8th inch masonite sheets as possible and start making voting booths.

Democracy is the solution!

Steve Stramel,


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