Letter to the Editor

Did something right

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dear Editor,

When Open Forum writers start taking pot shots at you, it's a good sign you are doing something right.

That's why I'm proud to represent Buck Haag of Bartley, Jim Coady of McCook, and Rick McConville and James Uerling of Indianola in their bid to win election to the Middle Republican NRD Board of Directors.

These men don't agree on all the issues but they do believe, as I do, that the Nebraska Legislature was wrong to pass LB 701 and that the Middle Republican Board was ill advised to implement the taxing authority in the district.

Why? Because LB 701 unfairly puts the taxing burden on the people of Southwest Nebraska to pay the entire state's obligation to Kansas.

Buck, Jim, Rick and James believe in a sustainable water supply for future generations and are dedicated to equal treatment for all users of water. They agree that irrigation is the life blood of this region and that it must be preserved for future generations through conservation, careful planning and fair allocations.

To help this area develop sound policies for water use and natural resource conservation, two things are essential: common sense and a commitment to fairness. I urge the voters of the district to consider the qualifications of the Middle Republican NRD candidates and to cast their ballots for the men they believe will best represent them on these issues of urgent importance.

Respectfully submitted,

Gene O. Morris


Gene O. Morris


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