Letter to the Editor

Support fluoride

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dear Editor,

I am writing to support having optimum levels of fluoride in our drinking water. Providing fluoride in the drinking water provides a safe, effective and inexpensive way to prevent tooth decay.

Our communities strive for excellence in our school, sports teams, business district and medical services. I believe we need to strive for excellence in providing preventive care for our health.

Why do we want to do just the bare minimum or less to get by? The easiest way to reduce health care cost is to prevent disease before it becomes a problem.

Please speak up. Tell people you don't want to opt out of providing fluoride in the drinking water. Not only is the health of our children at risk, but the health of all citizens.

Mark R. Graf, REHS

Assistant Director

Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department

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  • "Not only is the health of our children at risk, but the health of all citizens." Fluoride is a toxic HAZMAT that has never been needed by the human body until after it became a persistent nuisance following atomic bomb production - then various "public health experts" began selling it to the general public in earnest.

    -- Posted by sparrowdancer on Wed, Oct 15, 2008, at 1:17 PM
  • Can Mr. Graf say anything else and keep his job?

    I doubt it.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control, fluoride hardens teeth from the outside of the tooth. Ingesting fluoride confers no benefits. The fluoride that emerges from saliva to bathe teeth with saliva is too low to have any beneficial effects, according to the CDC

    The American Dental Association and the CDC says that infants should not be fed fluoridated water. And the National Kidney Foundation withdrew its support of fluoridation and replaced it with a caution that kidney patients need to be told about how fluoride adversely affects them.

    Fluoride, neither a nutrient nor essential for healthy teeth, can damage teeth and bones.

    -- Posted by nyscof on Wed, Oct 15, 2008, at 2:29 PM
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