Letter to the Editor

Where charity begins

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dear Editor,

Hats off to Walt Sehnert on his many articles that come out in print. The folks he brings to mind from many years ago, many are well-known and remembered by the writer. It's good to reminisce now and then.

Another thing I'd like to clarify a bit upon In the Open Forum I wrote about Social Security.

When I mentioned that Social Security wasn't meant for dependents, it wasn't. However, this doesn't infer that these people aren't entitled to some assistance. They are ... but it should come from the general fund, not penalize Social Security. We are sending money from the general fund to foreign ports, to no avail. Let charity begin at home. No offense to anyone.

Esther Wissbaum,


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  • May I add my coodo's to Esther. Thanks Walt. I enjoy reading your historic writings.

    Esther, Perhaps you, as have many Americans, missed the fact that the Social Security funds could/would have been super solvent today, had Congress not 'borrowed' the funds, on behalf of the taxpayer, to fund projects (like building 'barrel's' for all that 'pork' (today known as 'earmark spending')). The loan logic was and is: taxpayer money, loaned to the taxpayers representative, to be spent on behalf of the taxpayer, and to be repaid by a descendent of that taxpayer, who probably won't be born to pay the bill, thus bankrupting the fund that should have been solvent in the first place. Whew, that is a mouthful. Just a thought.

    To one and all, Shalom in Christ. Arley Steinhour

    -- Posted by Navyblue on Mon, Aug 11, 2008, at 5:35 PM
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