Letter to the Editor

A few good ideas

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dear Editor,

I read with interest the June 9 editorial viewpoint. I would like to make a few comments.

I especially noted the idea of 5-day a week delivery of our mail. Surely folks, we are "short circuited" enough without not having Saturday delivery. You know everyone isn't fortunate enough to be able to get e-mail. You know, many years ago, McCook people got two deliveries each day ... a.m. and p.m. Remember?

Our carrier was Frank Coleman. Remember him? I don't suggest we return to that, just wanted to reminisce a bit.

The year-around school might be a good idea, along with special vacations in various parts of the country. In summer, the older students used to be able to find some part-time work to help with a bit of "pocket money." That choice doesn't seem to be very available any more.

Drought-resistant plants and grasses -- go for it. Admittedly, buffalo grass that uses very little water or needful attention, isn't as beautiful as pretty blue grass that uses many gallons of our precious water. We can do without so much beauty in favor of saving our main source of life, namely water.

Scrap the electoral system, yessuh! Everything out to be by the popular vote of the people. And -- while we're talking about popular vote ... let's let people decide about same-sex marriages, instead of letting a court or judge over-rule what most states have ruled against. The majority of our people are against such unions.

I think cameras in the courtroom is an excellent idea. I think there would be more honesty all around. People mostly act and talk differently when they are being watched.

The cap on earnings for people 62 and 65 has been quite unfair. This is particularly true when folks have to pay for their own health insurance. Costs are rising so fast and high, these workers need all the help they can get.

As far as special congressional health care coverage ... yes, let's discontinue paying that. Those high-paid officials are making enough money that they can afford to pay for their own coverage. Should we the taxpayer, keep being their "patsy?"


Esther Wissbaum,


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