Letter to the Editor

In search of angels

Monday, June 9, 2008

Dear Editor,

We need your help.

Sunday noon on the Fuller's Restaurant parking lot we had the misfortune of an elderly (80s) lady fall trying to get into our vehicle.

She fell backward and hit her head hard on the pavement.

Just like angels, two ladies were there immediately. They put her in a comfortable position asking her not to move and at the same time were taking her pulse.

They also asked someone to call 911 and immediately the ambulance was there. They seemed to be very knowledgeable about what to do and did it well.

The problem is that as the ambulance crew took over, the two ladies were gone. We feel so bad that we did not get their names.

One of them had gotten a small pillow out of her car to put the lady's head on which we still have.

We would appreciate it if they would contact us and or if someone there who saw them in action and knew them would contact us at (308) 345-4226.

They were like angels and we want to thank them plus return the pillow.


Virgil and Eunice Guthrie,


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