Letter to the Editor

Dogs and cattle

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dear Editor,

It is a bit ironic that the head liner "Rancher disposing of dead cattle, could face charges" coincides with Open Forum "Dog trapped" in Tuesday, March 25, edition of the Gazette.

The word "could" jumps out at me. Could face charges of animal cruelty? The so-called Rancher "could" be facing charges, whereas the owners of a dog was issued a citation right on the spot for having the misfortune of their well-kept dog running away and getting lost? The latter were people who did everything in their being to take care of their animals well being and they are being taken to court over this.

Is this how our justice system works? If you look up ranch in Webster's Dictionary it states: establishment for the raising of cattle, sheep or horses. 2: specialized farm operate a ranch.

It states that your job is to raise these animals, not let them suffer and perish on your so called ranch/farm. Anyone who reads the article and does not get sick to their stomach are heartless. Not to mention it being a terrible slam to our Midwestern proud farmers and ranchers who are doing a fine job raising their livestock.

If animal cruelty Class IV felony charges are not handed to this so-called rancher I feel it will be a horrible travesty of justice. At the very least the attorney should see to it that this person be led out to his ground, confined there without food, water or shelter and come back after a couple weeks and drag him to the sale barn to be sold.

In their names who don't have a voice-all creatures great and small the Good Lord made them all.

Tina Schultz


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