Letter to the Editor

No place in America

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dear Editor,

We get letters from several organizations wanting help for veterans coming home crippled, blind and worse. Haven't enough money to go around. Wonder if some of them are putting the money we send in their own pockets.

We give to the V.F.W., Legion, Paralyzed Veterans of America and a couple others. We also get letters from other organizations asking for donations.

If the government was doing its job, these people wouldn't be asking for money to get something done in Congress. We pay plenty in taxes that should take care of things. World War II had many more casualties than we are having now and the government took care of them. Back then we didn't have a bunch of Socialists in Washington that don't want a military anyway. They are going to talk our enemies into friends. You can believe that if you think it is so.

I'm a land owner in Southwest Nebraska. We have been in a drought for several years. They are talking about taking our water away so Kansas gets their share. The compact was signed in 1943 by someone in the state government in Lincoln.

A lot of changes have taken place since then. Terraces and canyon dams has stopped a lot of the water from flowing to the creeks and rivers-should we tear out our terraces and dams so our fields can wash down to the creeks and rivers so Kansas can have their water?

I live on the Beaver Creek and it has been dry for years. It runs out of Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska to the Republican River. Kansas pumps water out of Beaver basin but you don't hear anything about that.

We are bound to have a revolution in this country against Communism, Socialism, ACLU and others that want to change America to a Socialist Republic. We are about to lose our country if we don't wake up pretty soon. The change the Democrats want isn't what America needs. Socialism hasn't any place in the United States of America, period.

Ronald Cumming


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