Letter to the Editor

Safety-pin challenge

Friday, October 12, 2007

Dear Editor,

After reading the article "Safety-Pin Band," it reminded me when I was a drummer in the Junior High and High School band in Grand Island. I remembered how very not special I felt marching in parades in less than adequate uniforms.

I was a proud drummer, but at the Harvest of Harmony (our big one) I couldn't wait to get my uniform off after seeing all those other kids in shiny well fitting uniforms.

That was a big deal at that age as I am sure it is now. Like lots of kids, I was no football star, but music was my thing and I tried to be proud of it. But Rag-Tag uniforms didn't help us feel better about how well we could perform.

Do you folks out there that played in the marching bands remember how special you could feel putting on a well fitting shiny new uniform (Class of '88)? or how about marching in what we have now (Class of 2007)?

I'm amazed how we need school funding (rob Peter to pay Paul) to help these kids get some new duds.

I respectfully challenge those that have children performing, parents that have performed in the past, merchants, banks and all of those whose MHS band tries to march proudly past your place of business, to help fund their uniforms. We could and should help these kids. They are stars also.

I will personally donate $100 to start a fund for new uniforms. Help these kids stand a little taller. Just think what you large merchants could do to help this cause. I keep thinking about how great it would be to have new uniforms to wear. Wow! That could have been me, or you. C'mon McCook.


Jerry Honeycutt


P.S. Mike Hendricks, you're a friend, but how about throwing a little of that heavy concert money toward the Safety Pin Band Fund. After all, music is music ...

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