Letter to the Editor

Whose lies?

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Dear Editor,

It makes no difference which lies that you want to believe, the lies from the biased news media, the politicians, the enemy, or just plain morons ["War about lies" (http://www.mccookgaz ette.com/story/1214440.html)].

The fact is that a superficial understanding based on the liars of your choice is not helpful to American security. Specifically, thinking within the box and considering the current global war in terms of all other wars does not work.

The current conflicts are not territorial as other wars were, and the enemy has no national borders as such. That's a hard concept to grasp, but without an understanding of that it is useless to complain and declare that one has some sort of insight that places them within the esoteric, and other people as misinformed.

So, proclaiming that one was lied to, and using that as an excuse to unravel critical foreign policy is sophomoric to say the least.

Considering that this war is global and has no boundaries, and the enemy outnumbers us, and that we are stabbed in the back by people believing damaging propaganda, it is likely that we will lose, and that means an unimaginable disaster and destiny for America.

But, people have lived so comfortably here for such a long time that they now live in a "Fools Paradise," so to speak, and can't imagine the real horror that is just around the corner.

Stanley Buck

via e-mail

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