Letter to the Editor

Defining deviancy down

Friday, May 11, 2007

Dear Editor,

Many years ago, an astute New York senator, the late Patrick Moynahan, coined the term that epitomizes American culture, "Defining deviancy down," to wit: dragging our nation into the gutter under the pretense of "tolerance."

In 2005 I moved from Massachusetts to Nebraska to escape such institutionalized debauchery, but, sadly, there is no safe haven -- not even in the American heartland, and McCook Senior High School will suffice to prove my point.

Two unfortunate incidents have occurred under the noses of the principle and superintendent without even a hint of their objection.

The first occurred in 2006. "Cross-dressing day" is the only appropriate term -- a debacle, engineered by the cheerleader squad, where young men were cajoled to attend academic studies dressed as ladies, and vice versa. Bizarre is the least adjective I would use to describe the affair -- homosexual indoctrination would be the more accurate term. As much as I had hoped this was an isolated incident, I was proven wrong.

Fast forward to May 2007: Again under the noses of the principle and the superintendent, cultural "diversity" did its dirty work among our youth. The event was "no pants day" -- you may use your imagination, but reliable sources inform that the boys wore only T-shirts over their skivvies, and the girls wore "boxer" shorts below their blouses. Who was behind this example of good taste and modesty? -- a local radio station, according to one teacher.

These scandals beg several questions, prudentially that of the leadership at McCook Senior High -- or, more pointedly, the lack thereof.

But others follow: Are these examples related? Are they part of a design to further blur the distinction between the sexes?

Is this farce that passes for education just another instance of the ongoing attempt to legitimize what ought to be condemned, by forcing such spectacles to be common place? Of capital importance is whether this behavior is what our sons and daughters should emulate.

Today, much happens in the public school system that is a far beyond what my generation's parents and teachers would have tolerated. Perhaps our timidity to oppose and reign in such perverse nonsense explains why we suffer a cadre of illiterate, incompetent, immature brats to graduate our public schools -- and these represent the future of America? God help us.

What I desire to know is this: What will the citizens of McCook do to prevent any further examples of "defining deviancy down" on their watch?


Bruce C. A. Desautels


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