Letter to the Editor

We saved England

Friday, April 27, 2007

Dear Editor,

The lady from England probably wasn't born before World War II. Britain and France appeased Hitler for five years.

If it wasn't for Russia and the United States you probably would be speaking German or Russian.

The United States kept Russia out of Western Europe and England for 40 years.

Maybe we should have let your country sink. There is not much difference between fascism and communism.

We spent 18 months in the Africa European theater, including Normandy.

Maybe we should have quit in Europe and let Germany or Russia take over.

We lost thousands in Europe saving your country. You say we should bring our military home. If we do, al-Qaeda and other Islamo-fascists will follow.

Your government has let extremists live in your country. We are not far behind you in that respect. Political correctness will be the death of us all. Don't shoot until you are shot at, probably you would be dead. Giving the enemy every chance to kill you is stupid. No wonder there are more than 3,000 killed in action in five and a half years.

We have enough political correctness in this country to kill us all. I think they acquired it from Europe or United Kingdom. What do you think?

The people running our government, Republicans and Democrats, aren't making much progress.

Republicans ask the Democrats for permission to do anything. Wait and see what happens. I call them rhinos, the Republicans that is. Some of the people governing us now may have been raised in the '60s and '70s in some commune someplace and we are paying for it now.

We will pay more if a Democrat is elected president. You had socialists for many years until you elected Winston Churchill to head your government.

Not the one in Colorado, thank God. He brought United Kingdom to its senses.

He happened to be half American. Maybe a hybrid, do you suppose?

No sooner than the war was over you slipped back into socialism.

Your country sold one of the best airplane engines to Russia so they could copy it, the [Mig 15] had a British engine.

Ask the U.S. Air Force how good it was. Britain and Western Europe have gone Socialistic, one step less than Communism; Russia didn't have to fire a shot. The United States spent billions of dollars and several deaths of our service personnel to protect your country. Now we are cowboys. Thank God for that. Thank you very much.

Ronald Cumming


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