Letter to the Editor

In case of shooting ...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dear Editor,

Yes, I wrote this for the paper many years back, but is it not worth repeating?

If you have kids, any age. YOU need not put fear in them, but just as you give them information on drugs, and burning buildings, Give them the information to survive shootings.

Shots fired --

Get down, play dead, crazies don't confirm kills.

Don't scream or yell as it only draws fire.

Laying by someone wounded smear their blood on yourself as it will seem as if you have already been shot.

If you are hiding behind a desk or door lay flat as the bullet most often can go through and still kill.

If running seems best, stay low, and keep objects between you and the shooter, run zig zag, never run straight away.

Tell you children that help will be on the way: And the shooter better pray the cops get him before the parents do!

Bill Donze


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