Letter to the Editor

Let illegals go?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Dear Editor,

I listened to the police radio the other night, I was surprised to hear them let go an illegal who had no drivers license, no license on the vehicle, and no proof of insurance. They let him go, Scott-free. I did not know we were a sanctuary city.

You can bet I will be calling my State Senator; cities that do that will lose their federal funding.

I will be keeping an eye on the field around here, and when I see illegals working in them, I will call the Border Patrol. You people who are for the illegals are worse that a drug dealer, you are for human trafficking. The most detestable person on the earth. All of you should be imprisoned and not be aloud to see the light of day.

The police are no longer here to protect the American, they are here to make sure the illegal aliens do not get harassed by Americans. If we get stopped for the same thing, we get arrested. We are not as good as them, we are here to be their slaves.

To all you slave traders in this town, we are watching you. When we see your slaves in the fields or anywhere else, we will make note of it.

When we get this invasion out in the public eye, your names will be posted in public so they can know what kind of slime you really are, then we can run you out on a rail. A person who sells out their own people does not deserve to have a thing, and have their forehead marked so everyone will know the slime they are.

Very Disappointed

Jerry Neiman


McCook Police Chief Ike Brown responds: "An accident Feb. 13 involved a person now living in McCook who was driving a vehicle licensed in Oakland, Calif. A background check revealed that the vehicle was licensed in 2005. The person had no license or proof of insurance and was cited for both. If there is any evidence that someone is an illegal alien, we would, of course, pursue that and follow the law, working with the immigration and naturalization office. At this point we have no evidence that this person is an illegal alien."

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