Letter to the Editor

Green lawns cost lives

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dear Editor,

Sure see a lot of big shots speaking of the water problem, boy do they like meetings.

I have always found the only reason the government doesn't solve a problem is because (it doesn't) want to.

We at the bottom of the dollar pile know better than any rich person about water trouble. My family, 34 years ago, paid $2 a month for water in McCook and now we have over $50 a month bills.

We on the bottom save water through rain barrels, saving ground water and still making a garden profitable. It is not however just for savings.

See, when we meet our maker, we do not want to say we had a carpet of green grass around our home, at the cost of lives. It is a fact, the lower the water table the higher the cancer rates goes.

We also do not want the book of life to say we stole water from Kansas by wasting it. There are many ways to steal from nature, but just wasting it has got to be one of the bigger sins, and all sin has a curse that will coming knocking:

I know many people that have prayed for water, but I pray for the souls of the elected who allow water to be wasted.

Bill Donze


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