Letter to the Editor

Does he really exist?

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Dear Editor,

Whilst ironying my satire I began to ponder the most recent Steve Stramel submissive. Perhaps I can add some confusion to the light.

At the risk of collecting plaque from waxing varicose in this vein, the principal seems obvious that all stops are to be removed in going forth (and even fifth, if necessary) at this time of year, including lip (and swallowing) service to Kahlua, the great Polynesian god of seasonal spirits and by doing obesity to Chocolate, the great god of every celebration.

Is it ironic that Mr. Stramel's remarks are published along with Dawn Cribbs' "Tell the whole story"?

While these thoughts may be unclear, they are not newclear!

Can we be certain Steve Stramel is not a code title for a covert intelligence operation? I mean, has anybody ever seen him?

Jim Henry,


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