Letter to the Editor

Proud of display

Friday, December 1, 2006

Dear Editor,

To Steve Stramel and all who agree with him:

Along with several hundred others, I marched in the parade that opened Santa Claus Lane about 60 years ago. What a wonderful use of technology! McCook took pride then and should still take pride in the display of the highly reflective material used on the figures, among the first such uses in the nation.

I haven't been back to McCook during the Christmas season for several years, but I keep up with all the news in the Gazette online. I imagine that many of the readers, especially the electronic variety, take major umbrage at your snipes and japes at something you don't know anything about, couldn't care less about and still stands as a memorial to those who protect your right to act like an imperfect ass.

Proud Of McCook

John Goolsby

via e-mail

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