Letter to the Editor

Illegal leeches

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dear Editor,

The Mexican illegal immigrators are nothing more than leeches. If they are not stopped from coming to this country ( or state) or allowed to stay here they will break our education, welfare, medical, Medicaid, Social Security systems, and taxpayers.

 Your viewpoint in Tuesday's paper "Latin immigrants have much to add" should have been "Latin Immigrants have much to subtract."

If we have depend on illegal immigrants (criminals, they are breaking the law) and call this precious population growth to keep from losing  a Congressional District  then let's kiss it good-bye and  get rid of these leeches.

I hope these illegal immigrators are caught and deported or departed from this country (deported or dead).

 Employers of these illegal immigrators are subject to fines and I hope they get caught and heavily fined.

They should not be granted amnesty or citizenship under any circumstances.  Why should they be awarded for breaking the law and getting away with it for  X number of years?

You can't compare these leeches to previous immigration workers. These leeches are illegal from day one.

These illegals have "helped to make the Golden Plains a better place to live." (HELLO!?) 

Don Merrill,

via e-mail

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