
Bush at his best

Monday, November 6, 2006

President George W. Bush was at his best Sunday, rallying Republicans to vote a party ticket and warning of the consequences if the Democrats are put back in power.

Speaking at Grand Island's new Heartland Events Center, Bush focused on Republican tax cuts, renewable energy, health care and the war in Iraq, while blasting the Democrats for opposing his policies in Iraq.

With live television coverage from touchdown to wheels up, Air Force One's visit, the motorcade to and from the events center and other trappings of a presidential visit, the rally demonstrated the power of the party in the White House to focus attention on local races.

Senate candidate Pete Ricketts and congressional candidate Adrian Smith shared the spotlight with the president, but perhaps the top compliment went to a candidate who wasn't even present.

Democrat Scott Kleeb should take pride in drawing attention from the commander in chief, especially since he's a Democrat seeking office in a district that has been Republican since the Kennnedy administration.

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