Letter to the Editor

Vote 'Yes' on 5

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Dear Editor,

Having the privilege of volunteering with some local and state organizations that are involved with youth, I am excited about the potential that Amendment 5 has in helping to develop our children across Nebraska.

Amendment 5 establishes an early childhood education endowment -- without raising taxes or implementing a new tax -- that will give some of our most vulnerable children and families the opportunity to have a good start in life. Every school district in the state has an opportunity to benefit from Amendment 5.

I support Amendment 5 for the following reasons:

* Early childhood education will help children to become better readers throughout their lives, do their best in school, and make them more likely to advance their education.

* Early childhood education saves taxpayers dollars by reducing the costs of expensive state programs that are needed if children don't develop properly.

* Early childhood education helps children do their best in school and throughout their lives thereby creating a more capable, productive workforce.

Amendment 5 secures existing state funds (without raising taxes or implementing a new tax) that will be matched with private dollars to create an Early Childhood Education Endowment that will fund early childhood education programs in communities all across Nebraska.

Nebraskans know a good thing when they see it. Vote FOR Amendment 5 on November 7 th and help give our kids -- and our growing economy -- a strong start.

Mark Graff


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