Letter to the Editor

Like a swift-boat attack

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Dear Editor,

Kirt Matson took issue with Larry Harvey's "Egg on the Floor" comments in your issue of 09/02/06. I take issue with Mr. Matson for his "Swift Boat"-style attack so popularly used by the right against anyone who is either a Democrat or a Liberal. They throw mud indiscriminately then stand by to see how much of it sticks, right or wrong.

Mr. Harvey is the chairman of the Red Willow County Democratic Party. I believe that is an honorable, and as yet legal, thing to be. I know not whether Mr. Harvey is a liberal or a pacifist; but Mr. Matson infers that would be a bad thing. Nowhere in Mr. Harvey's missive did I see any mention of "polls."

It is entirely possible for one to support the warrior and not the war. Our valiant servicemen and women do what they are ordered to do. That is their job, as it was mine when I served in the military. That certainly doesn't mean that we must support the fools who have squandered our military resources, and our national treasure, for their foolhardy, self-serving crusades.

The fact that Sgt. McConnell is a leader and a warrior is, of itself, an honorable thing. As a basis for accepting everything he says as being undeniable, I disagree.

When we demand blind obedience to those who rule, we engage in the pastime of fools.

Brian T. Osborn

via e-mail

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