Letter to the Editor

WaterClaim responds

Friday, June 2, 2006

WaterClaim responds

Dear Editor,

In response to an NET radio report on surface water trends (available at http://www.publicbroadcasting.net/nprn/news.newsmain?action=article&ARTICLE_ID=9...) :

Ann Bleed says that the (WaterClaim) map doesn't give a full picture. In reality, the map includes all publicly available data. It is as full a picture as can be provided given the information that the public has access to.

Ann doesn't like the fact that the maps look at the data from the 1930s. That is when the gauges were installed, so it is the date that everyone uses if you want a full picture.

Bob Swanson says it is impossible to tell from the report if the data was accurately analyzed, and that if the USGS had done the report they would have used additional data and would have had the results peer reviewed.

The only other data that exists, that we are aware of, is held by Ann Bleed at the DNR and that information is not publicly accessible without an Open Records Request and paying a fee for access to the information.

As for the peer review and the accuracy. You can access all of the data from the map page. All we did was take the USGS data and make it visual. By clicking on the purple dots on the map you can do your own review and see the facts for yourself and make up your mind as to what the data says.

Referenced map


Steve Smith,



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