Letter to the Editor

Leaving for war

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Dear Editor,

Today our son Bob, and 49 other sons and daughters from this area leave for war. Yesterday over 10 times that number of parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, other relatives and friends became a family support group of the Kearney National Guard 734th Unit that will be stationed in Iraq.

Yesterday was the day of brutal understanding that our field of protection from harm's way is now physically and completely out of the parental realm.

Yesterday brought forth warmth as our hearts opened to watch and listen to the Spirit of Family. This was the moment for basic emotional release. Today we remember yesterday and the many yesterdays of our relatives that left for war with anxious hope for their return.

Tomorrow we continue to pray for all military and persons within harm's way. I pray for patience with many opinions and to focus on the goal that brings them home.

Don Harpst,


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