Letter to the Editor

Men will be men

Friday, May 26, 2006

Dear Editor,

Memorial Day is this weekend. It is hard for many to get a handle on graveyards and stones row on row, that every stone had a person with a life, that did his or her best to make a difference with hopes and dreams that few ever really achieved. So many stories that just fade away.

My father, drafted in World War II, was shipped over to Africa and up through Italy. Many sad stories he told of death and destruction. Still other stories, like this one, showed men at any time in history will be MEN.

Patton had a plane load of his favorite booze flown from the states, just for he and his brass buddies and it landed on a nearby air base.

Dad was one of a hundred or so truck drivers running fuel and explosives to Patton's tanks on the front lines at that time.

You guessed it; the booze disappeared. The men were called in front of Patton and he wanted them in the brig for 90 days.

Well after he got done chewing them out and left their direct commander standing there turned with a look that could kill and spoke these words.

"Patton is an idiot, how long does he think his tanks will run without fuel or ammo, if I put you jokers in the brig.

BUT if you ever steal Patton's booze again and I don't get any, you will all be in the brig, even if it means we lose the war."

He said all the men laughed and they got back in their trucks and headed for the front lines.

Bill Donze


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