
Last-minute chaff clouds today's vote

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

What's a 6-year-old laptop computer worth?

As any e-Bay seller can tell you, not much.

And, it probably won't make much difference in today's election, either. But it has added spice to the last few days leading up to the vote, if not substance.

It started with a postcard from a Lincoln political group, blasting Kathy Wilmot for failing/delaying to return a laptop computer after she left office as a member of the State Board of Education.

It was only her enemies taking a cheap shot, and proving just the kind of people they are, she told the Gazette after deadline time for the weekend edition.

It told more about the candidate than she wanted revealed, others seemed to indicate.

In reality, it was a distraction from the true issues surrounding the District 44 race for Legislature, primary among them the lack of water and who is going to bear the financial burden.

It did draw attention to a candidate who otherwise was receiving perhaps less than her share.

After today's vote, we hope we can sort through the chaff and concentrate on the grain in time for the fall general election.

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