
Today's Spotlight is on one special community

Friday, April 21, 2006

We're often amused by our big-city cousins' observations about small-town life.

"What is there to do?" they wonder.

Anyone who has lived in most small towns for any length of time knows that finding something to do isn't a problem.

More often, especially with jobs and young children, the question is, "Which of these 14 things should I choose to do?" or "How do I politely decline to be involved in these 10 worthy community projects?"

That's why our Community Spotlight series has been so rewarding. Written and photographed by publisher Gene O. Morris and created by Gloria Masoner, special projects coordinator, today's Spotlight on Beaver City will probably surprise even long-time residents of that community.

Dotty Biros knows of what we speak. A Beaver City native, she and her husband returned there after 34 years in Chicago. She and Sue Hardenbrook founded the "Re-Markable Store" to bring bargain shopping to their community, one of the stories in today's Spotlight section.

Other stories detail Beaver City's economic comeback through efforts like the new Kaufman Trailers manufacturing plant, Roskop Dairy and others.

There are also features about the Farm Service Agency, Beaver City Manor, Beaver City Library, county government, the home-grown carnival, schools, Eager Beaver Days, Chamber of Commerce, First State Bank, Beaver City's history and plans for growth, post office, nine churches and other highlights.

Perhaps one of the most intriguing stories is that of Jean Shafer, who at 91, presides over G.W. Shafer & Son, the oldest operating business in the community. A photo of the proprietor in front of the store's high-rising, ornate display cases, full of goods such as cards, fabrics, general merchandise and gifts, invites us for a closer look. G.W. Shafer & Son is celebrating its 100th year in business this year.

Take time to check out today's Spotlight on Beaver City section. We think you'll find plenty of things to do next time you visit.

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