Letter to the Editor

Falling into a trap

Monday, March 27, 2006

Dear Editor,

I want to comment on Jean Lacey's Open Forum of March 23 about the Red Willow County Commissioners and their decision to do away with the opening ritual of prayer before the meeting.

(EDITOR'S NOTE -- The commissioners were considering starting a new practice of opening meetings with prayer, something they have not been doing).

I agree with Mrs. Lacey; we are becoming a godless country.

The United States government and our Constitution were founded on religion and freedom of speech, for God and country.

Our commissioners fell right into the hands of atheists and the American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU, by canceling their opening ritual.

One of the greatest dangers to our country will be the loss of our freedoms, taken away from us by organizations within the U.S. and not a shot will be fired.

It seems to me that anyone in public office needs all the help they can get and maybe a prayer before convening the meeting is very much in order in these trying times.

Thank you,

Pat Redfern,


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