Letter to the Editor

Town going 'ker-bust'?

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Dear Editor,

I was a member of the Red Willow County Taxpayer's League, led by Sen. Ben Nelson's mother, Birdella. We, as a group, attended all council meetings. We succeeded in getting quite a few things done favorably for the taxpayers.

Sorry the league is no longer functioning. However, I'm still taxpayer interested.

I wonder how long it will take our elected City Council members to realize that McCook IS NOT a city with industrial incomes. We are basically a farming community.

McCook is comprised, to a greater extent, of people on fixed incomes. There has to be a limit on our spending. We are seeing no growth in population and many people working here live in small towns nearby.

Why? Because they can't afford to live here. People are leaving McCook for the same reason. All of this to say: stop over-spending. I am not pointing a finger at any one or individual, only as an example.

I feel a $4,000 salary raise for a city manager is unwarranted at this time. McCook has about reached the "point of saturation" for spending.

You know you can only inflate a balloon so far and beyond that there is a "ker-bust."

The taxpayers need some answers on the WHYS of some of the overspending. The city manager salary, again, is only an example.

Esther Wissbaum,


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