Letter to the Editor

Too many letters

Friday, January 20, 2006

Dear editor:

There are too many peacenik nutty letters appearing in print today.

They are against American values and love of country.

It is an indisputable fact America, at the behest of a great commander in chief (perhaps our finest president) has decided to stop a brutal, insane, mad-dog tyrant.

Is this Iraq war about democracy?


But even more continued military actions is in the best interest of the free world.

If mideast oil were cut off, it would be a major disaster for Western free-enterprise and capitalism.

Our soldiers have fought the enemy valiantly to accomplish great things, even though the enemy was vicious, showing no consideration for civilians.

The oil money under the sands in Iraq belong to us, not them.

As a philosopher once said, "Anyone who is afraid to fight for his country is already a slave."

Steve Stramel


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