Letter to the Editor

A cat of character

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Dear Editor,

There are lots of stray cats in my little town. A kindly neighbor across the alley provides food for them. I appreciate his effort to alleviate their hunger, especially when harsh winter temperatures take a toll on weak animals.

This fall an old yellow-and-white tomcat stopped to visit with me now and then during the day. I fed him table scraps when there were some. His fighting scars were intimidating; several small teeth missing spoke of his age, but he loves to be petted and always hints he'd like to share room and board with me.

But I don't let him in. He's just another of many cats looking for a warm place to winter, just like the two who lived under the backyard shed even before I bought this place. The older one is beginning to look like motherhood is in the offing. She's a gray Tiger Stripe and quite wild.

I've been adding a lean-to on the front end of my carport in this good weather. Yellow Tom showed up again this morning. He wanted attention but I was busy. I petted him after he kept rubbing my ankles and mewling mournfully. It was then I noticed new scratch scars, and one eye that will never work again. I finished the immediate job I was in but went to my kitchen to find some edibles for him in pity for the pain he must be experiencing.

I brought food in a saucer, set it on the patio, watched Yellow Tom approach the offering to sniff the food, but then took a step back. I returned to my kitchen to wash the spoon and knife. I took time to drink a glass of milk and rinse that glass also.

When I returned to the door Yellow Tom sat about two feet from the saucer, (now nearly empty) watching the pregnant female finish off the food.

I stood inside my doorway for several minutes, while Yellow Tom checked to see if there was any food available then walk slowly away. I considered what I'd been allowed to observe. I hope, if I'm ever beaten up, bleeding, blinded in one eye, that I can show that much character.

Writer Ray


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